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A comprehensive range of liquids to match the 365 Range of steamed baits. Our glugs are perhaps the thickest and stickiest about and unlike others on the market it is designed to stay on the bait for a period of time and not just wash of as soon as your hookbait hits the water. An added bonus is that baits glugged for a period of time will harden, very handy if your water has a crayfish population. The glugs also contain the full liquid food and flavour package that you will find in the matching food bait.

The bait soaks are what most companies would class as a glug, flavour concentrated and a lot thinner, but ideal for pouring over and mixing in with pellet and particle and providing that extra boost and attraction sometimes required.

The glugs and soaks are made on different bases and carp certainly find both very attractive when used in conjunction with any baiting situation.
Browse Subcategories: Applicators, Glugs & Dips, Soaks, Spray Enhancers
24 product(s) found
Apocalypse Glug
91 in stock
Kream Krunch Jaffa Glug
78 in stock
Kriller Glug
97 in stock
Reaper Nut Mix (RNM) Glug
91 in stock
Squid-2T Glug
39 in stock
The Fix Glug
97 in stock
Apocalypse Bait Soak
From £8.95
78 in stock
Kream Krunch Jaffa Bait Soak
From £8.95
67 in stock
Reaper Nut Mix (RNM) Bait Soak
From £8.95
80 in stock
Squid-2T Bait Soak
From £8.95
22 in stock
The Fix Bait Soak
From £8.95
92 in stock
Apocalypse Hookbait Enhancer Spray
95 in stock
Kream Krunch Jaffa Hookbait Enhancer Spray
81 in stock
Kriller Hookbait Enhancer Spray
100 in stock
Maple Cream EA Hookbait Enhancer Spray
100 in stock
Reaper Nut Mix (RNM) Hookbait Enhancer Spray
93 in stock
Squid-2T Hookbait Enhancer Spray
58 in stock
Strawberry Cream EA Hookbait Enhancer Spray
100 in stock
The Fix Hookbait Enhancer Spray
96 in stock
Apocalypse PVA Applicator
100 in stock
Kream Krunch Jaffa PVA Applicator
95 in stock
Reaper Nut Mix (RNM) PVA Applicator
96 in stock
Squid-2T PVA Applicator
87 in stock
The Fix PVA Applicator
95 in stock